Is your Motocross track safe?

Newsflash! Motocross is a dangerous sport. Riders have a responsibility to be safe-for their sake and the other riders. But what about tracks? Here, Arden Ballard, MS, PA-C, ATC gives you the top 8 things Motocross tracks can do to keep riders safe(r).

2 replies
  1. Edwin Lomonaco
    Edwin Lomonaco says:

    I think an often overlooked aspect of riding is suspension setup. I can’t tell you how many times I see and hear guys and girls that you can tell their suspension isn’t right. I’ve taken multiple classes. And suspension setup is never focused on. And through my years now I’ve come to find that if you’re drilling a corner no matter how much you practice that corner if your suspension setup is off you’ll never get that corner quite right. I’d argue that you can even develop bad habits based reacting to a bike that’s reacting incorrectly to any and or all situations. I’d like to see a focus on suspension setup. Everyone talks about sag. There are instructional videos out there. But no one really breaks it down. I mean go out to a track. Purposely skew the suspension. Take slow motion video. Let us see the action of the forks, shock and how it affects body position and or rider fatigue. Then fix the suspension and repeat. Also at local tracks I’d like to see more offerings on suspension setup. You often see ads for trainers and suspension techs. But who’s going to help you understand how to feel what the bikes doing?And what it does to the way you ride.


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