Complete Racing Solutions

Performance & Health

Welcome to MPH… MotoE Performance and Health! In these regular sit-downs with Coach Robb Beams we will discuss topics including training, nutrition, injury maintenance, injury prevention, hydration, and many other topics relevant to motocross riders.

If you’re interested in being healthier, whether you race dirt bikes or not, you’ve come to the right place!

You can learn more about Coach Robb at Complete Racing Solutions (

In The Gym

with Coach Robb

In The Gym

with Coach Robb

Marching Bridge

Low Back Extension on Fit Ball

Leg Press Calf Extension

Lat Pull Down to Chest

The Stretch Reflex

Hip Risers

Concept Videos

Latest Episodes

Concept Videos

Latest Episodes

What Really Causes Arm Pump…and How to Fix It

Will a Warm-Up Fatigue Me for a Race?

Why Do I Run Out of Breath When the Track Gets Rough

Fueling Sleep

If you are not falling asleep quickly or getting enough deep sleep (as illustrated in your Garmin sleep log), watch this short video and learn what you can do to turn these situations around.

Contrary to what mainstream media and so-called “experts” like to advocate, it is imperative that you fuel your evening sleep.

Fueling sleep, another way for your to improve your health, wellness and ultimately performance!


All About The Foods We Eat


All About The Foods We Eat

Unraveling the confusion with Electrolytes

3 Reasons Why You are Electrolyte Deficient

Diets: Why Low Fat-No Fat Diets Don’t Work

Coach Robb explains why low fat/no-fat diets don’t work. This will not be what you read or hear in the mainstream media, so listen with an open mind!

The Power of Soup

Please visit and subscribe to Coach Robb’s YouTube channel for hundreds of videos organized in numerous playlists to answer many of your questions and eliminate your frustration associated with health, wellness, and performance.